Saturday, September 3, 2011

My artwork

   So i want to share some of my art work with everyone! Please check it out. Right now i will be shareing my  digital artwork.

   Ok so the first one i made on tegaki. Its really simple and the hat looks like a pan :D But i was really happy with th way it turned out. Im only showing you one of my tegaki drawings cuz i have a lot. But if you wish to check some more out please feel 1000% free to. My username is Alpaca. You can find me at
   I also got into drawing crazy looking dogs about a year ago. They are old, so warning, the are crappy. But they were for a petsite i was working on at, but v-petsite go shut down or something... So it wont work anymore. a shame, i had a good site up and going. kind of upset me that the site wont work anymore.But anyways, here are my shitty drawings!

Well this is it for right now! BUHBYE!
Oh and i got a pet fish. I think its dead...


Ok so im going to share with you all the fursets i have right now :D! I dont know how many it is, i just know a lot... I feel like an addict. I need help... So lets get started!

I made the rainbow one :D
Well this was a very LONG blog. But thats due to the images....

Friday, September 2, 2011

The fair

So near me there is this big state fair going on. The evergreen state fair. On the first there was one republic playing, i didnt go to that. But today the rock fest is going on. And me and my friend jo are going to hit that. Featuring Jar of Rain, Arisen From Nothing, Quickie, Nether, Syztem 7, Klover Jane, Superfekta and RiverBend. So this is going to be fun! And on top of that my mother is working a booth there for her business! And we are going to help her with it as it is a lot of work for just her to try and do... We have free tickets so it wont cost us a penny to get in, but being at a fair we all know how overly priced EVERY thing is. I mean really? 10$ for a bottle of water and a hotdog??? Oh well...
And on top of that i wanted to share this book with everyone. Its called cut by Patricia McCormick. Its about a girl who struggles with self harm and is sent to  rehab camp. The reason i really like this book is cuz i have had a few friends in the same potion as her. One or more of my friends have tried to kill themselves. So i shared this book with them and they all really enjoyed it. It a shot 100 page book or something, but its really powerful. It helped one of my close friends to learn to not self harm. It speaks to you in a way. Its wrote so your the therapist helping her. And i really liked that. Its make so you feel like you are helping her. I will give you the summery:
"A tingle arced across my scalp. The floor tipped up at me and my body spiraled away. Then I was on the ceiling looking down, waiting to see what would happen next." Callie cuts herself. Never too deep, never enough to die. But enough to feel the pain. Enough to feel the scream inside. Now she's at Sea Pines, a "residential treatment facility" filled with girls struggling with problems of their own. Callie doesn't want to have anything to do with them. She doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone. She won''t even speak. But Callie can only stay silent for so long...
Its just very well made. It speaks to me in a way i never knew a book could. And i red this really so i can find out why, or how people who do hurt them selves. It helped me to help my friends. Thank you Patricia McCormick!
 Well thats it for now. Love you blog!

Sims Facebook App


So IDK if you have played or even herd of this new facebook app everyone is playing. Its based of the games The Sims. I love the sims, i play it all the time. Sims 3 is the best! But this app i really hate... Not saying that i dont play it. But its just like every other app out there for facebook! You have money, you have your second currency that you have to pay for, you have energy, you go up levels ect. You can build onto your house, make your person plant crops ect. In a way its all the 'vills combined...
And then you have friends, give then gifts and ask them for help. And the more friends the more stuff you can do. Its set up just like any other facebook game out there! But one thing i like the most about this app is the making your person. just (well kind of) like in the real game you have i think 5 outfits, daily, sleep ect. You do to here! And they make your person thins is really well made and i like that. so that a plus+ And the fact that you decorate your home it reminds me of like cafe vile or something... I really dont know. I think the reason why i dislike this game is that it is a facebook app and that makes it limited to what you can do and things. And i would rater go play The Sims 3 with all my expansion packs XD so i think that why i dislike it so much...
   And im have yet to find out if you can like get married and have kids. I know you can fin "love, but i think its with you friends. And that awkward... And i dont think you can have babies. nor can you even control more then one person. And thats also something i dont like. I like having a family of people. Having kids and thing, cheating on my husband, killing the gay next door by inviting him over and trapping him in a room with nothing :} Oh how im am so evil... And i like making family of all the people i hate and killing them all in a harsh way. I love death by fire! So i think the people so really play the real sims games might be disappointed by this cuz we know how much you can really do in the game. And why play this cheep thing when we got and epic game where you can be a evil villein and kill all 6 of your husbands and go around stealing peoples lawn gnomes. I mean for a facebook app its nice. But it remind me to much of all the other billions of apps. Would be nice if you could like pick a server and live in that town whit a bunch of people and interact with them and not just your friends, and you can go out and get jobs and things. That would be really cool, like a multilayer sims game. Thats what i thought it was -___-" So over all i give this game a 17 on a scale of 38 :D
(you love my rating scale)

My first

Hello blog world This is my fist post in my new blog. My name is Taylor. Im 14. Im from WA state. I picked the name Taylor pearl due to my real name is Taylor, and i and just in love with pearls. FUCK diamonds. Give me pearls :D Im not the best speller nor am i the best at grammar. But i try my best. Im really random. This blog is basicly what ever i want. If i want to post some art work i made. I will. If i want to talk about some products i made on IMVU. I WILL! If i want to rant about this girl at school. I FUCKING WILL!
   So yes, i do make products on IMVU. My user name is rainbowlamp. look my up if you wish :D. And i will post some artwork. Paintings, digital, Polaroid. Yes i did say Polaroid! I love old instant cameras. I have a few Polaroids. I have film, i have a wall of photos, and im a Polaroid addict! And 100% PROUD!
   So now into the juicy stuff! To the right is jeffree star. I have no idea why the fuck i put a photo of him here, BUT I DID! Maybe i did it due to the fact that i LOVE him... So that could be why. But oh well. Later in this blog i will rant about my day. But for now im going to explain a few things. If i cuss, thats because this is my blog, and i want to. if i tak lik3 dis itz cuz i c@n. So fuqq off :D If i use lots of smiles :D Its :I cuz :P I :] can :3 Everything i do here is cuz i can. I can do what ever i want. I can be who ever i want. I can think, like and talk how ever i want. And some info on my, im straight, but i support gays all the way :D And if i ever call something gay (And i RARELY do this) im just joking, dont be all bitchy about it. And if you start being a total bitch to me, i will be the biggest bitch you will ever meat. I can be a really big bitch so watch the fuck out... Other then that im a really nice, loving and caring person :D
Ok so I have shared this video due to the fact that i LOVE it! And its really helpful. In a really odd way... And i rally do use "The Face' cuz it really works XD Ok, i really have only used it 3 times, but it worked every time. The first time is when my sister kept bugging me about something. I gave her the face for about 15 min until she want away. Got my face hurt. but if i didnt do it, she would of never left me alone... Then some people came knocking on my door talking about god and shit, at fucking 10 am. OH HELLLL NO! So i let then talk for a few second, then when they asked me something, i just gave them the face. They looked at me like "OMG its the devil!" and after only like 4 min, they left. And i just used the face about a week ago. It was i saw midnight. My sister and i both know the face and we walk about of 7-11 with our fatty candies and slurpees. A bum is sitting next to the red box, he asked us if we had and spare money, and we looked at each other, then we gave him the face! but we only did it for like a second a walked away. Jenna, you are one smart ass bitch.
Ok so as i said im a part og IMVU. Well i wanted to share with everyone the FIRST good furset i made :D Everyone loves it so much and when i say i made it they are always like "OMG so cool!"and then i feel epic... But as you can see, it a rainbow furset. Its up for sale. check it out! Remember my user name is rainbowlamp. If you really bought one of my items, i would love you forever XD

So this is really it for today! Goodnight. Im going to a fair tomorrow to busy day!!! School starts soon. But anyways goodnight blog :D